Why You Should Localize Your PPC Ads

PPC – pay-per-click – ads can be one of the most effective ways to drive new audiences to your website. 

Unlike SEO, which aims to increase your organic search rankings over the long term, PPC can have an instant impact, by putting your company and products directly in front of consumers as they search and browse online. 

This makes PPC an entirely viable strategy for companies looking to make a splash in new markets overseas and connect with a whole new customer base. 

But as with any multilingual marketing, effective localization is key to success. Done right, local-language PPC ads can deliver substantially higher click-through rates than English ads in your target overseas markets. 

Here we look at the key things to consider when localizing PPC ads.

The Main Types of PPC Ads

First, let’s look at the most common types of PPC ads.

  • Search ads – text-based ads that appear above, below or next to search results.
  • Display ads – visual or interactive ads that appear on websites within a specific ad network, such as the Google Display Network. 
  • Video ads – pre-rolls that appear within videos uploaded to platforms such as YouTube.
  • Shopping ads – ads that appear for searches of specific products or categories, displaying an image, price and key product info.
  • Remarketing ads – ads that follow visitors to your website across other sites and platforms they browse afterwards. 
  • Social media ads – ads that appear within a user’s social media feed.

Why Localize PPC Ads?

Research shows that people prefer to search for and purchase products in their own language. 

Local-language PPC ads, therefore, have a much higher chance of getting noticed – and clicked – by your overseas audiences. And that can mean significantly higher click-through rates compared to English ads. 

Conversely, not catering to local languages can have the opposite effect – your website missing out on valuable overseas traffic. 

The Best Ways to Localize PPC Ads

Let’s explore the main considerations when it comes to localizing PPC ad campaigns.

1. Start with the Most Effective Keywords

As we covered in Multilingual Keyword Research: the Key to Effective Website Localization, the value of localized keyword research – over simple keyword translation – cannot be overestimated. Just as in English, one of the main contributors to the quality score of your localized PPC ads is the relevance of your keywords, so spending time researching the highest yielding local keywords will bring the highest rewards.

2. Make Allowances for Longer Languages

When translating from English, many of the most common target languages will increase in length. Take French, German and Spanish – all of these can increase the length of your text by around 25%, and sometimes even more. 

This is particularly relevant when it comes to PPC translation, as every ad format has strict character limits you must adhere to. So, if the plan is to localize your PPC ads for multiple markets, we always recommend making allowances for this increase when crafting your English copy. 

What’s more, languages such as Arabic, Chinese and Japanese are referred to as ‘double-length languages’, meaning the width of one character in these languages is the width of two characters in other languages. In simple terms, that means you have half the space to get your message across.

3. Take Regional Differences into Account

When a language spans multiple countries and regions, it’s inevitable that what works in one country won’t work in another. Regional terminology, colloquialisms and slang all come into play. 

You only have to look at the differences between US and UK English (think: ‘sneakers’ vs. ‘trainers’), to realize the same will be the case for many other languages. 

Take the Spanish translation of the word ‘skirt’. In Spain, this would be ‘falda’, but in many Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay to be precise), the preferred translation would be ‘pollera’. So, in these markets, PPC ads promoting ‘faldas’ won’t gain any traction, leaving the door open to competitors who’ve done their research and are using the correct local term. 

Taking the time to localize for regional differences in language may take additional time and resources, but the ROI can be massive in the longer term.

4. Adapt to Cultural Nuances

Did you know that German audiences can be put off by pushy CTAs? Or that US Hispanic audiences are more likely to pay attention to online ads if they include aspects of Hispanic culture?

As with any multilingual campaign, effective PPC localization should extend beyond linguistic differences and take into account the culture and behaviours of local audiences. 

Visuals are also a big factor to consider. Images of people or landscapes, colours, symbols – minor tweaks for cultural relevance can all build a more emotional connection to audiences. The saying ‘an image is worth a thousand words’ really can be the case – especially when character limits are so restricted. 

5. Think About Where Your Audiences Are Going

The final consideration when it comes to localizing PPC ads is the quality and relevance of the local-language landing page you are linking audiences to. Not only is this a key contributor to your PPC ad’s quality score, but will be the make or break when it comes to online conversion. 

While on-site localization is a more in-depth process than PPC localization, the fundamentals – effective keyword research, language length, regional difference and cultural nuances – are all just as relevant to ensuring your web content makes that all important connection. 

Our PPC Ad Localization Services

Our PPC ad localization service delivers translations that are tailored to your specific target audiences. Market-based copywriters implement local terminology to produce foreign-language versions of your ads that fully resonate with your consumers, wherever in the world they’re searching.

As well as localization of existing English ads, we also offer content origination from scratch. After receiving your brief, strategy, and keywords, our specialist copywriters craft original, locally relevant ad copy that aims to maximize click-through rate.

Get in touch to find out more about how Mother Tongue can support you with PPC ad localization.

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