Around The World in LQAs


hours of LQA so far


core languages


QA specialists per language

When a luxury cruise line launched their website in 4 new languages, they hoped to reach wider global audiences while preserving their distinct tone of voice and regal language. To ensure the translated website copy was truly resonant, Mother Tongue stepped in to provide linguistic quality assurance services (LQA). After the website was reviewed, we established an ongoing LQA workflow for new content. 

Successful LQA involves close review of both linguistic elements of translation and formatting elements, such as text expansion and contraction, meaning utmost attention to detail is required. Mother Tongue leverages up to 4 QA specialists for each language, who act as guardians of the brand’s voice, terminology and positioning. 

Like two luxury liners in tandem, Mother Tongue also successfully tends to our relationship with the client’s other translation vendor, as LQA can only be optimized if vendors remain in active communication. Our success in collaboration is viewed tangibly through our nearly 6,000 hours of LQA performed since the start of the relationship. Our third-party review strengthens translation quality and in turn helps drive and direct strategy for the other vendor’s translator team.

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