Locally Resonant Survey, Valuable Global Insights


locales surveyed


survey questions


summary analysis per language

In order to deliver market research to a prominent social media platform, an agency partner crafted an in-depth survey asking app users to articulate how different kinds of marketing messages resonated with them. 

With a deployment across 3 global markets targeting Gen Z users and their parents, nuance in language was key to help furnish the platform with insight and discovery to more deeply connect with their users. 

Through a robust and months-long collaboration, the agency and Mother Tongue set out to get answers by asking questions in users’ native languages. 

The heart of the survey were key “statements”, and respondents had to rank how deeply those statements resonated with them as users.

As experts in language and culture, Mother Tongue stepped in with a multifaceted approach, to: 

  • Transcreate the English survey and key statements into French, Spanish and Japanese 
  • Perform, at the conclusion of the survey, a cultural consultation to interpret the survey results and weigh in on regional, linguistic and cultural nuance that drove those results.

Of course, writers had to consider local customs and generational differences in language as they sought to adapt a survey that would yield useful data, employing transcreation to capture the essence of each question. 

Over the course of the survey, 3,200 teen users and 800 parents provided insights. After the survey was completed and the analysis performed, we were happy to hear that our agency partner was pleased with the results, confirming that our findings were exactly what they had hoped to present to the end-client. 

For our team, it was a great opportunity to combine multiple offerings in order to deliver a bespoke solution. Much like answering questions in a survey, when we take the time to fully understand and consider a brief, we always deliver thoughtful insight.

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